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How To Create a New Package Print

  • 50

Before you can create a new cPanel account you need to create a package.

Packages allow you to dictate how much Disk Space and Bandwidth should be allocated to the cPanel accounts that you create along with the number of Email Accounts, FTP Accounts, Sub-Domains and so on.

Note: If you're unsure of how Disk Space and Bandwidth is allocated on our Reseller and Multi Site Hosting accounts please read this guide before proceeding.

To create a new package:

1. Log into your WHM control panel by visiting

Your WHM login details can be found in your hosting account welcome email, or from within your D9 client area in the "My Services" section.

2. Look down the left hand side of the page and click on "Add a Package"

Add Package

3. Give your package a name that you can use to identify it and proceed to fill out the rest of the fields. Remember that when filling out the disk space and bandwidth allocations that the value is specified in megabytes and not gigabytes (1,000 MB = 1 GB))

Package Values

4. When you are happy with the package that you've created, click on the blue "Add" button at the bottom of the page.

Add Button

You will then see a message saying that the package has been created successfully.

Now that you've created a package, you are ready to proceed to creating your cPanel/Hosting account.

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