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How Do I Add An Additional Domain To My Account? Print

  • 251

This guide shows you how to create an addon domain on a cPanel account running the Jupiter theme.

If you are running a cPanel theme other than Jupiter then please follow the steps in the following guide:

Creating an addon domain in a cPanel theme other than Jupiter

Step 1

Log into cPanel and click on the "Domains" icon


Step 2

Click on the blue "Create new" button

Create new domain

Step 3

Enter the new domain name in the "Domain" field - don't include the WWW.

UNCHECK the "Share document root" box unless you would like the domain to show the same content as your primary domain name.

As long as you have deselected the "Share document root" option then a new document root will be set for the domain in the location /public_html/ and this is where the files for your new website will reside.

A sub-domain is automatically created for each new addon domain that you create, this box is automatically pre-filled and can usually be left alone.

When you are happy with the data you have entered click on the blue "Submit" button.

Create addon domain in cPanel jupiter theme


  • 1. If you are using a hosting package that has access to Web Host Manager (WHM) then please refer to this guide on how to create a cPanel account for a new domain

  • 2. Running a large number of addon domains under a single cPanel account can have a negative impact on the performance and security of the cPanel account. If you have a large number of addon domains we would strongly recommend you switch to a hosting account that allows you to host each website under its own independent cPanel account such as a Multi Site account, a VPS or a Dedicated Server


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