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A Beginners Guide To FTP - Uploading To An Addon Domain Print

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This article is a follow up to the article titled "A Beginners Guide To FTP - Uploading To Your Primary Domain", if you are not familiar with FTP, then please read the first part of the article to get an overview of how everything works before attempting to upload to your addon domain.

If you are familiar with the basics of FTP, please proceed and read through this guide.

The process of uploading to an addon domain, is exactly the same as when uploading to your primary domain, the only difference is the directory that you'll be uploading to.

When uploading to a primary domain, the files will always go in the public_html directory, however with an addon domain, files will go (by default) in the directory named:


If you are unsure which directory your files should be uploaded to, you can find out by logging into your cPanel, clicking on the "Addon Domains" icon and then looking at the "Document Root" path next to the domain you are looking to upload the files for.

Find the document root

When you have found the document root, you need to use your FTP client to connect to the server (your webspace), if you are unsure how to do this, please read the first part of this guide.

When connected, go into the remote site (right hand side) window, and double click on your public_html directory.

Double click on public_html

You'll then see any files and folders that you've uploaded previously, but what you need to look for is a folder that corresponds with the name of your addon domain. In this example my addon domain is called

When you've located the folder, double click on it.

Find the folder that corresponds with your addon domain

Top Tip

If you are comfortable with file paths, and know the location of the folder, you can type the path directly into the "Remote Site" box and press Enter on your keyboard to go straight into the folder

Type in the path

When you are in the correct folder (you can verify which folder you are in by looking at the "Remote Site" path), you can go ahead and upload your website files. If you have uploaded to the correct folder, then you are done, and your site will now be online.

Upload to the correct directory

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