The release of Thunderbird 3 includes an auto configuration feature, but unfortunately, in our experience, it doesn't retrieve the settings correctly, so we must manually configure the email account using the instructions below.
*These instructions assume you have already created an email account in your cPanel
1. Open up Thunderbird, and click on Tools > Account Settings
2. Click on Account Actions > Add Mail Account
3. Enter the requested details and click on Continue.
4. Thunderbird will then attempt to automatically detect the correct settings, in our experience these are detected incorrectly. So you need to click on the "Edit" button.
5. You should then check that the settings in the boxes, match up with the correct settings for your email account. Details on how to find the correct settings for your email account can be found in the article: What Connection Settings Do I Use in My Email Client?
When the settings entered look correct, click on the "Re-test Configuration" button.
Please note that all connection details are server specific, so please don't use the connection settings in the screen shot above, please access your correct settings by following the steps outlined here.
6. After re-testing, you should get 2 "green lights" to indicate that your settings are correct. If this is the case, click on the "Create Account" button.
You should then be able to send and receive emails using Thunderbird 3.