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How To Enable Wordpress Admin Area Access For Your IP Address Print

  • 57

Locking down your Wordpress admin area so that only you have access to it is a great, easy to implement way of increasing the security on a Wordpress based site. Simply follow the instructions below to allow access to the Wordpress admin area for your IP address only.

1. Find out what your IP address is by visiting

2. Edit the .htaccess file in the directory that contains the Wordpress site you wish to access, and add the following code to the bottom of the file, replacing x.x.x.x with your own IP address

<Files ~ "^wp-login.php">
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
Allow from x.x.x.x
ErrorDocument 403 "Wordpress Login Disabled."

If your ISP has provided you with a dynamic IP address (one that changes regularly), you can either manually update the code to include your new IP, or you can use the syntax found in this guide to allow a range of IP addresse.

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