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D9 Hosting Launches R1Soft Backups

D9 Hosting Launches R1Soft Backups

  • Thursday, 14th July, 2011
  • 10:09am

We are pleased to announce that all US based Shared and Reseller servers are now being backed up using state of the art R1Soft backup technology.�

From a technical standpoint, this allows us to keep more restore points of your accounts, and also dramatically reduces server load, and for geeks like us, that's a big thing! But as a customer you don't really care about that, so what's in it for you?

As a customer, you will now have much more freedom over how you restore backups.

In the past, if you made a mess of your site, you had to open a support ticket and ask us to check through our backups to see if we could restore the site/file/directory for you, we'd then go away and manually check our backups, and if we found anything, we'd restore it.

With R1Soft backups, you are now in total control - you can browse through 10 days worth of backups from within your existing cPanel, but that's not all, not only can you browse through the backups, you can restore them as well!

To check it out for yourself, simply log into your cPanel and click on the "R1Soft Restore Backups" icon. Or if you'd like to check out the instructions, you can do so at the location below:

This new feature has been added at no extra charge to you, so we hope you enjoy it.

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